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tv   News 4 Today at 6  NBC  June 15, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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today on bakes of the potomac. he's a story when pulled over in the district while live on the air. good morning, everybody. i'm aaron gilchrest. >> i'm eun yang. thanks for joining us at 6:00 a.m. 63 degrees out there. a stunning sun on the horizon for this beautiful day. rev just had terrific weather, loving it. >> i just stepped outside to sniff the air. it's almost deafening. the birds are really announcing the start of a terrific day. and as we look at the view from space over the last several hours, we had a few clouds overnight but most of them have disappeared over washington and much of maryland. there are areas where there is some cloudiness. that includes parts of prince william, down toward charlottesvil charlottesville. into the mountains, too, clouds around. elsewhere, it is a clear morning
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and cool. down in just the upper 50ed and low 60s in prince george's montgomery county. on the eastern shore away from the water it's only in the upper 50s near 60. the atlantic ocean, ocean city is at 64. out of the mountains in many locations in the low 50sably noontime, low and mid 70s. it will be mild, comfortably drive. winds out of the northwest. shift into the southeast with low humidity. mostly sunny afternoon. peeking near 80 by mid afternoon. sunset time, today, at 8:35 our latest sunsets of the year over the weekend. and into next week as we approach the summer solstace. danella is here with the traffic. >> update on the breaking news on the beltway outer loop as you approach route 50. the crash there.
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now blocks two of your left lanes and is involving a tractor trailer. we're seeing big delays. look at this at 202. pretty much jammed. those delays are growing. look right now as you pass central avenue. you are coming to a complete stop on your commute. just want you to be ray wear of that. i'm going to keep watching this accident for you. back in ten minutes with an update. 6:02. police are trying to figure out how a car crashed into a home in goenlg town. it happened president 1500 block of 28th street last night. police say the driver whose car has diplomatic plates stayed on the scene after crash. fire crews determined the house was not structurally sound, so at least one person will have to find temporary housing. today we expect a major announcement about a vegas style casino in prince george's county and it could mean a high end casino is a step closer coming to national harbor. megan mcgrath is live with what we can expect. good morning. >> good morning, aaron. a flurry of high level meetings
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and word that national harbor is going to make some sort of a big announcement later on today. it looks like las vegas style gambling may be one step closer to coming to prince george's county. governor martin ohally is going to be meeting with officials from mgm, largest coka sin no operator in las vegas. house speaker michael bush already had a similar meeting. it's not a done deal. the governor would have to call a special session. maryland lawmakers would have to pass legislation. ultimately maryland voters would have to approve the deal. county executive baker is all for it. he thinks it would be good for the county. >> it will bring in lots of money for the state and for prince george's county and give us a desnation point. all the time we said is we want a destination resort for prince george's because that's where we're going to have the economic benefit. i think this speaks well of it, so we're excited. >> reporter: and if this deal goes forward, it would be the sixth approved casino site in
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maryland. three have already been built. maryland live opened just a week ago. but this would be a different kind of a casino, a high-end casino that would have table games as well as slot machines. again, we are awaiting some sort of big announcement later on today. we will continue, of course, to follow this story. reporting live from national harbor, megan mcgrath, news 4. mitt romney begins a marathon bus tour today in new hampshire. the presumptive candidate plans on visiting six states. romney and obama coampaigned yesterday in ohio. he lasted his opponent for a tax hike the president claims would only help the wealthiest americans. romney slamd president obama for how he spent taxpayer dollars. >> the only tax breaks and deductions that get you any where close to $5 trillion are those that help middle class families afford health care and college and retirement and home
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ownership. >> this president has put together -- he has put together almost as much public debt as all the prior presidents combined. you want four more years of that? you call that forward? that's forward over a cliff. >> both candidates are also taking to the airwaves to attack each other. they launched new ads are that running in key battleground states. gandhi will apparently control the finances for five year mores. he expected to offer him another five-year term. the d.c. council would then have to approve gray's nomination and many political analysts say that will likely happen. he's been in charge of the city's finances since appointed in 2000. later today friends and family will gather for a candlelight vigil to remember a d.c. deli owner killed in her own store. she was found shot to death yesterday morning at grace deli
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in d.c. she ran the popular deli since 2004 and was planning to retire next year. police believe it was an attempted robbery and are still looking for the suspect. the vigil is at grace deli at 7th and h streets northeast starting at noon. a maryland man behind bars this morning accused of killing the owner of a virginia dunkin' donuts. he was arrested after searching his home in prince george's county. police say he killed him last saturday. officers found him dead near his apartment on winterther lane after a report of a flight. ali was a family friend of his and helped him open his doughnut shop. also in fairfax county, firefighters believe a stove caused a carbon monoxide leak. co detectors went off at the circle villa apartments on blake lane. nine people from two units all reported simp m tos of co poisoning. they all went to the hospital. firefighters sealed the faulty gas line. 6:06. why a news anchor was pulled
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over in d.c. while live on the air. >> the number of shark attacks at one popular beach down on the east coast. the high wire act set to take place today. a beautiful start to your day right here in the nation's capital. meteorologist tom will tell you about that. the commute is not picture perfect. there's a big backup on the beltway right now. beltway right now. weather
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when mitt romney says "planned parenthood we're gonna get rid of that." beltway right now. weather romney is saying he'll deny women the birth
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control and cancer screenings they depend on. when romney says "do i believe the supreme court should overturn roe v. wade? yes." he's saying he'll deny women the right to make their own medical decisions and when his campaign can't say whether he'd support equal pay protections. "and we'll get back to you on that." romney's putting your paycheck at risk. planned parenthood action fund is responsible for the content of this advertising because mitt romney is out of touch and wrong for women.
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the so-called beltway ufo may soon be making appearances in the skies above the august area. the military says it will fly the unmanned drone near the naval air station this summer. many people thought they saw a ufo when they spotted maryland state police taking it to the river. on the beltway wednesday night. people are still a little suspicious. >> just a drone. no worries. don't worry. almost 6:11. let's check in with tom kierein.
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>> it is rather cool around the metro area from washington's berry farm neighborhood. it's only around 60 degrees. and later today, well, we will be climbing beautifully. there's that gorgeous sun rise over the potomac river. plane taking off from reagan national airport. by 9:00, near 70. during the afternoon, clouds in and out. highs reaching near 80 degrees. are you going out friday night? here's your friday emping planner. clear this evening. by 7:00, mid 70s by 9:00, near 70. and by midnight, should be down to the mid 60s. >> a look at the weekend. next week, seven-day outlook, danella, good morning. how is your traffic? >> right now still tracking breaking news on the beltway on the outer loop of the beltway, approached loop 50. involving a tractor trailer and another vehicle. blocking two of your left lanes here. able to get by two lanes to the
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right. seeing significant delays this morning because of the crash in this ar. i'll show you how far back they are. look at this as you make your way past central avenue. you are pretty much just sitting here until you continue ahead towards route 50. a mile away from 50 on the outer loop of the beltway. please use caution. checking other areas as well. traveling along i-95 in virginia. some volume at fairfax county parkway. hey, it's friday. driving 49 miles per hour from quantico. that drivic aing about 28 minutes right now. i'm back in ten with another look at your traffic. >> thank you. 6:12. the well-known tv host pulled over for driving and talking on the cell phone while he was on the air. new from overnight, details of former penn state coach joe paterno's will are made publ
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maybe you've heard d.c. police say they are cracking down on drivers who are not using a hands-free device for phone calls? well, a host on fox news channel knows firsthand they are keeping their promise. an officer pulled over chris wallace for talking on the phone without a hands-free device while he was driving. the fox news sunday host was doing a live phone interview yesterday morning when he suddenly interrupted the host.
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>> this is supposedly -- >> i'm going to have a problem here. >> what's that, buddy? >> i'm talking to you on a cell phone and there's a policeman here. i probably shouldn't have been talking on the cell phone. so i'm about to get arrested. good-bye. >> not quite that severe. fox news spokesperson said the officer did not arrest chris wallace. it is unclear though whether that officer ticketed him. the will of late penn state football coach joe paterno is now public. paterno left all his personal property to his wife sue and established a trust for the are mander of his estate. there is no word on how much the legendary coach was worth. but he had a state pension of more than $13 million and received a salary of a million dollars a year from the school last season. paterno's family said they planned to donate more than a million dollars to penn state related charities. paterno died last november at 85. the trial of jerry sandusky is on hold until monday. the prosecution is is expected to rest its case. the last of the eight accusers took the stand yesterday.
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victim number 9 told the jurors sandusky abused him multiple times starting around the age of 11. investigators found the boy's name along with other alleged victims in an address book in the sandusky home with stars next to them. legal experts believe sandusky's defense team has a tall task when they get their chance for questioning. >> the prosecution did very well. given the number of compelling witnesses presented this week, this defense will be hard pressed to overcome that case. >> the defense is expected to call its first witness early next week. sandusky has pled not guilty to all of the charges. lawyers for a former university of virginia lacrosse player convicted of killing his exgirlfriend want a lawsuit moved out of charlottesville. the george huguely faces a wrongful death lawsuit. attorneys are seeking a change of venue. in february a jury found george huguely guilty of second degree murder in the death of yardly love in 2010. he will be sentenced in august.
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love's mother filed a lawsuit saying hugueely was responsible to the death. chicago area couple is in jail after police say they found their children blindfolded and found in a walmart parking lot. a shopper spotted a boy and girl ages 5 and 7 with their hands tied to an suv and their eyes covered. three older children ages 12, 13, 15 were with them but not restrained. the children are now in protective custody. bonds for both parents were set at $50,000. a developing story in new york. police are searching for a trauma surgeon whom they are calling a person of death interest in a deadly hospital shooting. they want to question dr. timothy jordan in the shooting death of his ex-girlfriend. police searched the area near his home but did not find him. police say the former army weapons expert may be armed and should be considered dangerous. niagara falls is one of the most breathtaking sites in the
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world and tonight one daredevil is going to get a very unique look at the falls. that's because nick will be walking over the water. the seventh generation flying will attempt the walk across the falls. 118 foot trip. he says he's feeling good about this stunt despite the fact he will be 200 feet in the air. 12k3w4r more anticipation and excitement than anything but, you know, it's coming down to the wire. no pun intended. it's hard for people to understand, wive walked a wire since i was 2 years old. so it's very natural to me. >> there is a bit of a precaution being taken in this death-defying stunt. nick will be wearing a safety harness in case he slips off that wire. >> at least he has a safety harness. i'm still worried. makes me nervous. >> the adrenaline, a lot of people live for that. >> they do. i can't even watch. the nba finals. they're all tied up. >> all right.
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the miami heat evened the series at one with a 100-96 win last night. james and durant has 2 points. the er series shifts to miami. second round of the u.s. open starts in a few hours. tiger woods is within striking distance of the lead. woods only three strokes back of the leader michael thompson. looking for his fourth u.s. open title here. all eyes though are on this guy. this is 14-year-old andy zang. he is the youngest player ever to compete in a major golf tournament. he shot 8 over par, the same score as master's champ bubba watson. second round coverage of the u.s. open continues today right here starting at 3:00 this afternoon. >> crazy. >> 14 years old. >> oh, my goodness. >> going to be very popular with the young ladies when he gets back to school, assuming he will do that in the fall. >> only 14, aaron. >> i'm just saying. let's check the forecast. meteorologist tom kierein is
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here. >> love that gorgeous sun rise behind you. here's the view from space. we do have a few low clouds across parts of wins william into culpepper counties and stafford. north and northeast of there and west, most locations are bright and sunny. right around do you knawn, righ 60 degrees. most of virginia, maryland, the district and into parts of the shenandoah valley, only in the 50s. for the rest of the day, we'll be climbing to near 80 degrees. here's your four-day forecast into the weekend. feast your eyes on the four-day forecast tomorrow. bright and sunny. morning lows, 50s. afternoon highs right into the low i80s. as well as on sunday, father's day. into the upper 70s. after a cool start in the 50s. then back to work on monday. getting cloudy. and then, yes, inevitably, it's june. it's washington. it's virginia. it's maryland. it's got to get hot and humid at
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some point. it does look like it will. as we get into tuesday, wednesday, thursday next week. only a small chance of isolated thunderstorm. each one of those days. danella, good morning. any traffic trouble? >> definitely. if you're traveling the outer loop of the beltway. breaking news. outer loop approaching route 50. chopper 4 is live vorveling a tractor trailer. you can see another vehicle and the left lanes are blocked. you are able to get by but two lanes to the right will get you by. you're seeing extreme delays. in fact, passing central avenue, cars are coming to a complete stop as they drive. try to continue on the outer loop of the beltway. i'm also watching i-66 as well where you're hitting the breaks at chain bridge. no accidents but your travel speed, under speed at 48 miles per hour. back in ten minutes with another update. aaron and eun, back over to you. changes metro is making. what you need to know so you
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aren't left confused on the platform. new information about what is becoming a highly publicized bar fight. you're watching "news4 today." and that's our quarterly wrap-up.
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any thoughts? wow. yowza. terrific. incredible. no, i mean, really, this is so good. that's great, guys. thanks. off the charts. phenomenal. thank you, i'm just glad we're all on the same page. slam dunk. incredible. mmm. i agree. kick up the flavor with dunkin's new breakfast burritos, made with fire-roasted veggies, melted cheese, and delicious steak. grab one today. bring on the day. bring on the flavor. hurry in for dunkin's new breakfast burritos. count on cortizone-10. with the strongest, nonprescription itch medicine for fast relief. and seven moisturizers. cortizone-10. feel the heal.
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important information before you head out of town for the you h[ male announcer ]r the this was how my day began. got my bearings. ♪ a little bird told me about a band. ♪ an old man shared some fish stories. ♪ ooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but i still got to see her. we talked for hours. ♪ everyone else buzzed about the band. music, stories, adventures, memories. ♪ ...all at my fingertips. ♪ there's a wireless mind inside all of us. ♪ so, where to next? ♪
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welcome back. if you are headed to the beach the weekend you may not be as quick to jump in the water after this story. four swimmers in myrtle beach were treated yesterday for some sort of animal bites. it's not 100% clear if the bites came from shark, but based on the tooth pattern of one of the bites, one doctor believes a shark is the culprit. portions of the beach were closed for an hour but they are expected to be open this morning. yikes. new york police hope surveillance video can help them set alg beef between hip-hop stars chris brown and drake. five people bot hurt when their entourages got into a fight in the a club early friday morning. brown tweeted a picture of a gash on his chin. brown told police the brawl started when drake's entourage blocked him from leaving.
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they say the two sides were fighting over rihanna. >> are they rooils? >> come on. they're filthy rich is what they are. getting into a fight at a club like a bunch of kids. coming up next at 6:30, changes to lessen the confusion at a traffic circle in the area. new crime report from metro.
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good morning. big crash as you approach route
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commuters, listen up. get ready for some changes. what's happening to one of the most confusing and dangerous traffic circles in the area, plus, why for many of you your ride on metro won't be the same after today. good morning. welcome back to "news4 today." >> we are hoping for no changes in the forecast right now. at 6:30, 64 beautiful degrees out there. the sun is shining brightly. no clouds in the skies. cool, comfortable temperatures. what more can you ask for really? >> tom, tell us?
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is there anything -- this is about as good as it can get. >> let me count the ways. look at that gorgeous view. that is the sun lifting up in our sky. giving you an uplifted mood, no doubt, on this friday morning. a sense of anticipation in the air around the region. and we had a couple of great photos sent in here recently. this one sent in by junia sonier from centerville. i believe that's a swallowtail butterfly? and here's another gorgeous butterfly photo sent in by darelin stoner from laurel, maryland. thanks so much. post your photos. really appreciate it. butterflies are active. the flowers are beautiful now. it's mid june. low humidity in place. clear sky over washington and much of maryland. although there are a few low clouds into the shenandoah valley. and all of these areas in light green are generally in the 60s.
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low 60s. a few of our areas just not and west of washington. northern and western suburbs. frederick counties only in the 50s ride now. and as well out in the mountains and parts of the shenandoah valley. by noon, mid 70s. just a few clouds in and out. perhaps mid afternoon. low humidity with a high around 80. we've got traffic trouble. danella has all the travel. >> outer loop approaching loop 50, a mile away from loop 50. crash here involving the tractor trailer as well as another vehicle. only two of your right lanes get by. left lanes are blocked. delays are growing. take a look as you approach exit 13. big delays this morning. i can tell you you need to avoid the beltway. if that's your commute, trying to get to route 50, route 50 is cleefr. no delays there. take central avenue straight to route 50. avoid the beltway all together. good news along ishs-70.
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this time westbound at route 32. all lanes are blocked. guess what, that accident is just moved to the shoulder lane. aaron, back over to you. >> thank you, danella. your trip to work may soon be different if your commute takes awe you across the memorial bridge. the national park service making changes that it hopes will clear up the confusion. a lot of drivers encounter when you hit memorial circle. tracee wilkins is there live with a look at the changes. >> good morning, aaron. this is where they all come together. you have your bike riders. it can be dangerous for them. you have your driver, it can be confusing for them. imagine what it's like for the walkers. it can all be a very big mess here. the national parks service oversee this bridge and they have commissioned a study that revealed a number of changes needed to be made spop expect to see more clearer signs explaining where you are going and how fast you are allowed to go in the area.
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there are also the directional arrows painted on the road to help drivers coming from the lincoln memorial, select the proper lanes before reaching the opposite side of memorial bridge. there will also be additional signage along p mt. vernon trail. and expect to see shifts in the trail as well and sidewalks and the addition of rumple strips installed to help drivers know that they are coming up to a ped industryian walkway. they explained why there's a need for all of these changes. >> our officers have handled many, many crashes relate toetd this area and we continue to look for ways to improve the safety of the park's visitors and travelers. these steps being taken should help decrease the crashes and educate the public of the surroundings and challenges they may face as they visit the park. >> this is actually considered the george washington parkway, so people are running and biking across a major highway when they're in the circle and when they're on any of the roads
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leading up to the circle. again, it be very dangerous. the work to make this improvements will begin today and is expected to go through the summer. >> thank you. your commute on metro today will likely be like any other day but come next week your trip could be quicker and less clouded. rush plus comes on monday. it will add more trains to the heaviest traveled sections on the orange and yellow lanes. also want to keep an eye on the destination. some orange line trains will travel to largo town center on the blue line and the yellow lines will travel on the greenbelt on the green line and franconia-springfield on the blue line. it will now show up as dashed lines. for more, visit metro's website. you might want to avoid using your phone or ipad or ipod on metro. pickpocketing has more than doubled. aggravated assaults and bike
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thefts are also up. crimes in parking lots, on the other hand, have been cut in half, down to 63 reported crimes from 120 last year. metra says that's because they have increased patrols in garag garages. two 17-year-olds are facing charges in connection with a rash of recent car break-ins in chevy chase. most happened in the overnight hours south of river road between goldsboro road and river road. two ownepolice arrested 20 grou after they spotted suspicious activity in a neighborhood. to morning there are changes at the montgomery county dispatch center after a news 4 i team report about a dispatcher caught sleeping on the job. >> hold on one second, ma'am, let me try and get them on the line again. >> okay. >> that call dmam april when a dispatcher was in the 17th hour of a 24 -hour overtime shift.
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the montgomery county public safety committee held a hearing yesterday to determine whether the 24-hour shift for dispatch evers should be changed. >> i think it makes sense to go to shorter shifts. i think it's also healthier and less likely to result in any potential problem with someone nodding off. >> i can say very, very clearly that this would most likely never happen again. it would be a remote opportunity if it ever did. >> montgomery fire chief said the shift does not need to be changed. he added more staff, reconfigured the dispatch centers so they have a delight line of sight to dispatchers and added a quality assurance officer. a prosecutor will become the state's first openly gay judge. they appointed tracy thorne-begland as a federal district judge. some legislators felt thorne-begland acted in defiance when he publicly disclosed his
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sexual orientation when a navy pilot. lawmakers will have to vote on approving his appointment. your time right now is 6:38. "today" show is coming up next at 7:00. let's check in now with ann curry. hey, ann. >> hey, aaron. coming up here on "today", the manhunt intensifies for an award winning surgeon suspected of a deadly shooting inside a buffalo hospital. this morning police fear he is armed, dangerous, and may have altered his appearance. we are live with the latest on this story. also ahead, max, that little boy who played darth vader in that popular commercial is recovering from successful open heart surgery. we will hear from his doctor. and it is hmayhem on rockefeller plaza. you can see he is already on the stage giving us a rehearsal as he reprepares for the concert for a full half hour coming up this morning here on "today."
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even going to teach matt something here he has never done before. we'll tell you what that is when we get started here on a friday morning here on "today." back to you, aaron. >> see you in a little bit, ann. >> you bet. >> that's going to be a fun concert. you know that, right? >> pandemonium in midtown manhattan. important information for young parents and those thinking about having kids, how much money it will cost you to raise a child, vegas, baby. the new plans to bring a high end casino to our area. why you will see more police on the road. the major crack down under way right now. rough commute out there this morning with breaking news on the beltway. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message.
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[ male announcer ] it started like this... i speak the language of business. i know how jobs are created. [ male announcer ] but it ended like this. one of the worst economic records in the country. when mitt romney was governor, massachusetts lost 40,000 manufacturing jobs.
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a rate twice the national average. and fell to forty-seventh in job creation. fourth from the bottom. instead of hiring workers from his own state, romney outsourced call center jobs to india. he cut taxes for millionaires like himself... while raising them on the middle class... and left the state two point six billion deeper in debt. so now, when mitt romney talks about what he'd do as president... i know what it takes to create jobs. [ male announcer ] remember, we've heard it all before. i know how jobs are created. [ male announcer ] romney economics. it didn't work then, and it won't work now.
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good morning. intense glitter path on the potomac. live view from the city camera. beautiful day. afternoon highs near 80 with low humidity. then this everyoning if you're heading out this friday night, clear and mild through mid evening. getting cool by late evening down to the mid 60s by midnight. seven-day outlook. the weekend into next week in ten minutes. how is drask? >> good morning. still following breaking news on the beltway. often up state on the crash of the outer loop approaching route 50. involving a tractor trailer and another vehicle. a tow truck just arrived. it's in front of the tractor trailer. hopefully this accident will clear, but it looks like it's going to take some time. only two right lanes get by. delays are pretty massive this morning. i'll show you what 202 looks like just sitting, just sitting at 202. further back at exit 13, again, sitting in this area, as well. very slow. i'm seeing speeds as slow as 17
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miles per hour. avoid the outer loop of the beltway in this area if this is your commute. let's look at the 14th street bridge. 395 is slow. about 28 miles per hour. aaron, over to you. >> thank you. right now police in virginia are putting a heat on aggressive drivers. fairfax county kicking off operation summer h.e.a.t. police say they will be on the lookout for things like reckless driving, speeding, and improper passing. the campaign will last through september. sdcary scene. it happened in the 1500 block of 28th street just a few blocks east of wisconsin avenue. the driver whose car has diplomatic plates stayed on the scene after the crash. the house was split into three apartments. no one was hurt in the crash. fire cruise dmpld the house was not structurally sound. at least one person will have to find temporary housing. we want to show you a picture in a second. prince george's county police needs your help. take a close look here. police say this man approached
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two sisters around 11:00 tuesday it in in kingston drive in temple hills. he pointed a gun at the 15 and 26-year-olds and forced them into a wooded area where he sexually assaulted the younger girl. the older sister was able to knock him to the ground and both escaped. if you have any information about the attack please contact police. potential break in a cold case after the police linked the potomac river rape toast another attack. dna evidence helped link the evidence to 1996. 58-year-old woman was attacked and then pushed into a ditch along the boulevard in northwest. a man believed responsible for ten attacks between 1991 and 1998 in montgomery county and the district including a murder. details of just how much money president obama made at two fund-raisers last might in new york city. president's campaign brought in about $2 million from a dinner at sarah jessica parker and
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matthew broderick's home. 50 people attended. each paid $40,000. president obama made at least $2.5 million in a secretary of defense dinner manhattan. 250 people were at that fund-raiser which included a performance by mariah carey and remarks by alicia keys. earlier today romney campaigned in ohio and held events in a state. political analysts believe this state will decide who will win in november. they focused on the issue that will likely determine the win, the the economy. >> this election is your chance to break that stalemate. if you want to give the policies of the last decade another try, then you should vote for mr. romney. >> this president has put together -- he has put to the almost as huff public debt as all the prior presidents combined. you want four more years of that? you call that forward? that's forward over a cliff. >> today mitt romney begins a
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five-day six-state bus tour through the battleground states. first stop, new hampshire. d.c.'s chief financial officer will apparently be keeping his job. mayor vincent gray expected to offer gandhi another five-year term. d.c. council will have to approve his nomination. a lot of political analysts say that will likely happen. he has been in charge of the city's finances since he was appointed in 2000. in that time, d.c.'s savings account has more than doubled. currently stands at $1.1 billion. later today people in the h street community will hold a vigil to remember a d.c. deli owner killed in her own store. jun lynn was found shot to death in grace deli. the 64-year-old ran the popular deli since 2004 and was planning to retire next year. they believe it was an attempted robbery. still looking for a suspect. the si jivigil is at the grace starting at noon. a maryland man accuse of
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killing a family friend in virginia. police arrested him after searching his home in prince george's county. detectives say he killed him last saturday. officers found him dead near his apartment after a report of a fight. he owned a dunkin' donuts in hunter woods plaza. ali helped him open that store. fairfax county firefighters believe a stove caused a carbon monoxide leak. co detectors went off at the apartments on blake lane. nine people from two unites all reported symptoms of co poisoning. they all went to the hospital. firefighters sealed the fault the gas line. today a blockbuster deal on the banks of the potomac river. we expect a major development announcement for a vegas style casino that would come to national harbor. megan mcgrath has details. >> reporter: good morning, aaron. just a few minutes ago national harbor put out a very brief press release saying that at 11:15 today in annapolis here
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going to make a major announcement regarding a destination casino. 11:15 in annapolis. it looks like a deal has been struck, that las vegas style gambling is one step closer to coming to prince george's county. the governor is is meeting with mgm, the largest casino operator in las vegas today. maryland house speaker michael bush already had a similar meeting. and so we're expecting to la ii the details about this deal at this press conference later on this morning. county executive baker is excited about the possibilities. he thinks a large-scale high-end casino in prince george's county would be a good thing. >> clearly that's what we want it for, prince george's county, to get a high-end casino here. we're glad that they're interested. and we look forward to the process going forward in annapolis where the committee is going to make a recommendation. we're hoping that governor calls a special session very soon. and we get a casino in prince
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george's county. >> reporter: and so this is not a done deal. the governor would have to call a special session. maryland lawmakers would have to pass legislation. and ultimately, maryland voters would have to approve the deal. it appears that at least there has been some sort of agreement, a deal struck between mgm, the casino operator and national harbor. we're expecting to learn all the details later on this morning. reporting live from national harbor, megan mcgrath, news4. sglus time for father's day, eye opening look at how much it costs to raise a child these days. it now costs $235,000 to raise a child born last year until he or she is 17. you know what goes longer than that. according to a new government study, that doesn't include college tuition or when the child moves back into your home after that. back in 1960 it costs $25,000 to raise a child. researchers say housing is the single biggest expense parents
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face, followed by child care, education, food, transportation, and health care. >> i believe if you're old enough to spend upmoney you're d enough to get a job. when your kids start wanting stuff, go to work. >> $200,000. i have three children. that's only until 17. how many children can work when they're 9. >> you diplomat think about that shs did you? >> you're right. 6:51 is our time. he's le let's check your forecast. >> in 2040, eun will still be here. >> and if they'll have me, i'll be here. >> there is the sunrise over the potomac on the this friday morning. reagan national under that bright sun. 64 degrees. comfortably dry. temperatures all around the region are cool this morning. 50s shenandoah valley into the mountains. closer to washington, generally ith near 60 degrees in the nearby suburbs. virginia and maryland, near the bay, 50s.
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and if you're heading to the beach, here's the beach forecast for the weekend. water temperatures are only in the mid 60s. and both saturday and sunday those should be beautiful sunshine, you will need sun block with that wind coming in off the water is going to keep it cool at the beaches. speaking of father's day, here's something to do with dad. take him to the sully antique car show in chantilly, virginia. runs from 8:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. sunday. and by sunday afternoon, 80 degrees. and then as we get into a monday, it should be partly to mostly cloudy but still not very humid. highs around 80 degrees each day, today, tomorrow, sunday, and monday. so a wonderful weather pattern. all the day through the weekend and first part of next week. but it is looking like we're going to heat up and get more humid tuesday, wednesday, thursday. highs each day near 90. could get an isolated thunderstorm, small chance of
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that each one of those days. how is our traffic now? >> good morning, tom. it's been a mess all morning. following breaking news on the beltway. approaching route 50, this is a mile before route 50. crash involving a tractor trailer and another vehicle. still blocking two of your left lanes. you're only able to get by on the right. you can see chopper 4 is panning over the serious delays. delays right nowing looking like about seven miles. seven-mile backup on the outer loop of the beltway. avoid it if you can. checking other roadways. traveling i-66. not so bad. you are underspeed eastbound about 39 miles per hour from fairfax county parkway to the parkway and i-95 in virginia. live at fairfax county parkway. heavier on the brakes in this area. travel speed is 29 miles per hour. that drive taking 21 minutes. aaron, over to you. >> thank you, danella. major track work on metro could interrupt your weekend plan on the blue line. the franconia-springfield and
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van dorn streets will remain closed. available at the eisenhower avenue station. blue line trains will run along the yellow line to the huntington station. there will also be single tracking on the blue, orange, and red lines. work starts at 10:00 tonight. everything should be back to norpal bit monday morning. right now, bieber fever has hit the big apple. justin bieber surprised his fans, rolled down the window and stuck out his head as black vehicle rolled down the street. he did not get out. the girls were screaming, chasing after him, crying. falling down all over each other just trying to get a glimpse of the superstar. a ron hall is out there on the plaza with the situation this morning. >> good morning. i am on rockefeller plaza where the bieber fans are here. the crowd is as far as the eye can see. there are boys, there are girls, they're all here to see justin
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bieber. and there's a birthday girl this is your birthday? >> yes. >> how long have you been waiting? >> a while. >> so long you can't remember. >> how long have you been waiting? >> since 2:00 a.m. >> 2:00 a.m. and you're 14? >> yeah. >> why do you love justin bieber so much? >> he's such an inspiration. >> yeah, he's cute. just keep it simple. there are great signs. i got a fever and the only prescription is more bieber. well, they're going to get their prescription, 8:30 justin bieber will take the stage. give the people what they want. >> crazy. they say 2:00 a.m. there are girls who have been waiting in line for a few days now. forget 2:00 a.m. exactly. kind of crazy out there. and you can watch bieber on the "today" show that starts? a few minutes. live pictures of rockefeller center as the crowds will tweeting that they are there and ready and justin is right inside the door. >> they're going to have to have emergency personnel on the scene
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when the girls fall out. my goodness. >> thank goodness they have good weather there, too. beautiful pattern here today. highs each day near 80 with low humidity. getting hot and humid next week. back to you guys. >> still following breaking news on the beltway outer loop. still only two right lanes get by. tractor trailer accident slowing you down. aaron? >> that is "news4 today." thank you for starting your day with us. >> the "today" show is next. we'll be back here on monday morning at 4:28. hope you will join us then.
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